So the other day I notice a cut on my hand, no big deal right? Well it turned into a big deal when it started to hurt and look, um well, not right. So I think I can just heal it myself. You know a little tea tree oil and a band-aid that should do the trick. The situation was not getting any better so I start to look up "hand infection" online to see what else I could do. Everything online was saying "go immediately to a doctor ...untreated infection can lead to AMPUTATION...". So now I'm freaking out a little and thinking I need a doctor ASAP.
But there was a little problem with that simple solution.
I don't have my medical card yet and I don't speak Korean so its not like I can just waltz into any doctors office or an ER. What to do, what to do?! I did not know so I called another teacher that I work with and she says I should Sione (my school's director) and ask him what to do. So I'm thinking "great, this is going to be awkward." But whatever if a little awkwardness is what I have to do to keep my hand so be it! So Sione said someone could take me to a doctor in the morning! Great!
So the next day Sione tells me that MS (another director type at my school) is going to take me. Off we go to the doctor. We get there and next thing I know it is me, MS, the Doctor and a nurse. The doctor has my hand and is talking to MS in Korean. I have no idea what is going on. Then the nurse starts to bring in needles and knives and scissor looking things. Shoot, this is getting serious. MS says a few things to me in English, but I dont know what is happening. At this point I decided to shut my eyes because, well, I don't know but I knew watching would not make me feel any better. I hear some Korean speaking, I feel a needle go into my hand and the doctor says "pain injection". Yea, pain is right. I feel poking prodding and hear more Korean and I am still confused. Then they lead me into another room and the doctor says something to MS, he laughs a little and looks away and leaves the room. Then the nurse says to me "injection, buttox" and I realize why MS was laughing. So the nurse gives me a shot, of what I do not know. The doctor comes back and bandages my hand and we are on our way.
Oh yes, it gets even more awkward! They also gave me some mystery pills to take. Well, MS did not know how to tell me what to do with said pills in English so he has to bring in another one of my coworkers to help translate!

See the nice bandage they gave me! I don't know what is going on underneath there but I guess I have to go back tomorrow to make sure they don't need to amputate .

i love this last picture and the caption. :) hope it works too!! i want a WHOLE rachel at graduation with me. not a rachel missing part of a hand.